Hybrid Power Plant

Primary Energy Production Plant + Supportive Energy Production Plant

Hybrid Wind Power Plant

Hybrid Wind Power Plant
  • More energy production compensating the mechanical/production losses
  • More stable grid integration
  • Better V-f control thanks to Solar Power Plant
  • Maximum production when no/low wind regime
  • Benefit from the existing transformer and ETL

Hybrid Geothermal Power Plant

Hybrid Geothermal Power Plant
  • More energy production compensating the mechanical/production losses
  • Efficient use of available land/roof area within the GPP site
  • Compensation of Internal demand such as wellhead pump, re-injection pump, cooling water pump, cooling tower fans, vacuum pump

Hybrid Hydroelectric Power Plant

Hybrid Hydroelectric Power Plant
  • More energy production compensating the mechanical/production losses
  • PV modules on the water = Cooler PV modules = ~15% higher energy production
  • Less evaporation (up-to 50%) of water covered by the floating platform = Higher energy production

Hybrid Conventional Power Plant

Hybrid Conventional Power Plant
  • More energy production compensating the mechanical/production losses
  • Efficient use of available land/roof area within the CPP site
  • Lower/compensated operational costs
  • Lower/zero –definitely minimized – greenhouse gas emissions
  • Introduction of renewables with conventional systems and their operators

Hybrid Bio Mass/Gas Power Plant

Hybrid Bio Mass/Gas Power Plant
  • More energy production compensating the mechanical/production losses
  • Efficient use of available land/roof area within the BPP site

Hybrid Cogeneration/Trigeneration Power Plant

Hybrid Cogeneration/Trigeneration Power Plant
  • More energy production compensating the mechanical/production losses
  • Efficient use of available land/roof area within the power plant site

Why HPP should be installed?

Why HPP should be installed?
  • Maximum benefit from the existing transformer and ETL.
  • More energy production compensating the mechanical/production losses.
  • Sustainable energy production event the production is less or not possible in the primary power plant.
  • Lower LCOE for whole hybrid power plant when compared to the primary power plant.
  • Efficient use of available land/roof area within the BPP site.
  • Better V-f control thanks to Solar Power Plant.

System Phases

360 Value Engineering

Analysis and Size/Capacity Optimisation
Solutions for Solar PV installation
Solutions for Grid Integration
Solutions for Remote Monitoring and Reporting

KONAR Differences on the Hybrid Systems

KONAR Differences on the Hybrid Systems
Industrial Automation experience of 25 years
EPC Experience on 100+ MWp Solar Power Plant
Remote Monitoring and Reporting via Artificial Intelligence
O&M Services for 150+ MWp Solar Power Plant
Finance Solutions for Investments

Sine Qua Non! - O&M

Sine Qua Non! - O&M
  • Sustainable cash flow
  • Low ROI
  • Inspections according to ISO 9001:2015
  • O&M according to IEC 62446-2
  • Efficient O&M approach
  • Continuous viewing
  • Continuous monitoring
  • Periodic maintenance
  • Predictive and corrective maintenance
  • Cleaning
  • Monitoring and information storage according to IEC61724
  • Regular reporting in the requested periods (monthly, quarterly, etc.)

SCADA / Hybrid & Power Plant Controller (HPPC)

SCADA / Hybrid & Power Plant Controller (HPPC)
According to the requirements of EMRA/TETCO, National Grid Code and Appendix-18;
  • An advanced hybrid control algorithm
  • Active power control
  • Frequency response
  • Reactive power capacity and control
  • An Interactive and quick SCADA&Control system that has its own controller but also has the related algorithms and in coordination with Solarify platform & datalogger

Generate More Energy with Artificial Intelligence in Solar Power Plants!

  • SOLARIFY gives the answer to ‘‘ What did my plant produce today
  • You may estimate the production according to the meteorological values that take place every 5 minutes.
  • With the mobile version, you may access Solarify from anywhere while simultaneously monitoring the performance of all your power plants on large screens.
  • SOLARIFY models all inverters, strings and mppts of inverters according to them, and determines decay with 98% accuracy over these models.
  • The IEC standard metrics of each power plant (performance ratio, temperature compensation performance ratio, Emreamadelik etc.) you can review daily, monthly and yearly at any time interval.
  • On the production page, you can easily see the powers generated by inverters and strings on a single map and identify problems.